Simple Healthy Diet for Weight Loss- Weight Loss
At present, more than half of the world is fighting the battle of obesity and in this campaign to lose weight, we can help you, just you have to follow these suggestions.
Drink water as soon as you wake up in the morning, if possible, at least two glasses and at least one liter of water will be lukewarm, then it is a good thing or else you feel fine.
Make oats for breakfast, but these are not instant oats, rather bring a packet of plain oats and add onion, garlic, cinnamon, little bit of nigella, the rest is to be added. You can add vegetables according to the season. If possible, add broccoli.
Sometimes you can also have boiled potatoes with curd for breakfast. Add green coriander to it as well.
Five to ten almonds together, coffee or green tea or tea of ginger, basil, cinnamon, cardamom, etc. are sugar free instead of sugar.
In lunch, a bowl of brown rice, lentils, salad, one or two rotis of multi grain flour.
In the evening tea, either veg soup or tea with roasted gram (as mentioned above) or coffee or green tea. Sprout can also be taken if desired.
For dinner, take a bowl of veg soup, a bowl salad, or a large bowl of papaya or a bowl and take vegetables, it must have garlic, onion.
At night before bed, grind the seeds of fennel (it is also called Mangrail and Onion Seed) in a big cup of warm water and mix it in small quantity with a quarter teaspoon and drink it like a tea. The water should be very hot. If you do not want to use these seeds, then drink simple water but drink it. Kalonji is the cheapest magic recipe for fat reduction.
Weight loss tips:
Make sure to have breakfast within half an hour of getting up in the morning and do not take carbohydrates at all or very little after sunset.
Almonds have good fat, so take them, if you add a little extra virgin olive oil on the salad, it will be very good. Take special care of this that you definitely have to get the best type of fat.
You must drink 10 to 12 glasses of water during the day. Do not drink water at all immediately after eating food. Sometimes in between you can also drink buttermilk or whey.
Lemon is your biggest and best friend, drink lemonade whenever you get a chance. Food such as apple vinegar, lemon, nigella, lime, chicken breast, soup, broccoli, almonds, fish can help in reducing fat.
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