

Jeera Biscuits Recipe With Wheat Flour | Atta Biscuit Recipe in Microwave

Crispy Atta Jeera Biscuits Recipe at home 

Jeera Biscuits Recipe With Wheat Flour, Atta Biscuit Recipe in Microwave
Crispy Jeera Biscuits with Wheat Flour At Home

20 min       20 min       40 min

Today we are making jeera biscuits are very simple and tasty, you can eat jeera biscuits with tea at breakfast. Atta biscuits recipe, today we are going to use microwave and make it at home.

Jeera biscuits are very crispy and yummy you follow this Atta biscuits recipe, hoping that you will make very tasty jeera biscuits at your home right now.
Jeera biscuits is one of the most popular dishes jeera biscuits are very much preferred especially in India, you can make jeera biscuits and prepare them in a very short time.

Even if you have very few ingredients, you can make jeera biscuits comfortably, jeera biscuits are also good for heath, you will not have any problem with this, anyone can eat it at home.
If you like some recipes like biscuits or baking, then you can try it by going through the link below here.

    Ingredients for Atta Jeera Biscuits                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Serve(🍽)2-3              

  • 1 bowl- Wheat Flour
  • 1/4 bowl- Powder Sugar
  • 1/4 bowl- Ghee
  • 4 tbsp.- Milk
  • 1 tsp- Baking Powder
  • Salt as to taste 
  • 1 tsp- Roasted Cumin Seeds (jeera)

Preparation of Atta Jeera Biscuit Recipe


First of all take a bowl and take 1/4 bowl of ghee, together take 1/4 bowl of powder sugar and mix it properly.
After this we will mix 1 bowl of wheat flour with little bit, Now we will add 1 TSP Baking Powder to make the jeera Biscuits a little soft.


After this, now we will add the salt according to our tastes, and now add 1 tsp cumin seeds.
Now 4 tbsp. of milk will add a little bit and make milk with the help of hands.

After getting ready, we will roll it in rectangular shape and cut the biscuits size with the help of Knife.


After that we will take the microwave plate and apply ghee on the whole plate and keep the biscuits shape on it.
Now we will biscuits bake at Microware for 11 minutes at 180 degrees so that the jeera biscuits are roasted properly.


After 11 minutes the biscuits have baked out of the microwave. And check whether the back of the biscuits is golden brown or not If not done, you will bake the biscuits one more time for 5 to 7 minutes.

Atta jeera biscuits is ready, now let it cool down for a while, You can also store Atta jeera Biscuits by making a guest and if you come to the house, you can also feed it.

I hope you have liked jeera Atta biscuits recipe, you must also decide once at your home.
If you like more biscuits recipes like this, you can read on the site here.

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