How to make chicken korma at home- chicken korma
Today we are making Very Tasty and Spicy Chicken Korma: You will get a lot of enjoyment by learning this Tasty Chicken Korma recipe.
If you want to make Tasty Chicken Korma like wedding at home, then let's learn the complete recipe here.
It is very difficult to prepare food like wedding, so let's know how to make Chicken Korma at Home.
If you want to prepare some similar chicken recipes, then here you can see more recipes from the link below.
Ingredients for Chicken kormo Serve(🍽)2-3
- Ghee for frying
- 4 onion sliced
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 2-3 tbsp curd
- 1 tbsp red chilli powder
- 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
- 1 tbsp cumin powder
- 3 tbsp ginger and garlic paste
- 700g chicken
- 1 cup curd
- 4-5 green cardamom
- 1 black pepper crushed
- 4-5 cloves crushed
- Small size cinnamon stick
- Coriander leaves chopped
- Ginger and Julienne chopped
- 1/2 tsp nutmeg powder
- Garam masala
- 10-12 cashew paste
Preparation of chicken korma
First of all, we will heat the pan, add some ghee to it, add 4 onions by slicing it. After frying it golden, take it out in a plate and put onion fry in another 2 tbsp curd mixture and prepare the paste.
Now again add some ghee to the pan, now put onion and curd paste under it. Now we will add 1/2 tsp salt under it as well as use 1 tbsp red chilli powder.
With this, we will use 1 tbsp sumin seeds powder and also add a little turmeric powder.
To increase the taste of Tasty Chicken Korma, add 3 tsp of Coriander Powder. and mix them all on low flame with easy way.
After mixing well, add 3 tbsp ginger and garlic paste Just add 700g chicken to it and mix it with masala.
Now we will put 1 cup curd on top so that the chicken korma becomes even more tasty and again mix it all well.
Now we will add 2-3 crushed green cardamom on top as well as 1 tsp crushed Black Pepper, And 4-5 clovis and again mix them all.
To increase the taste a little more, add a small size cinnamon stick.
While mixing all, add some chopped green Coriander leaves.
Now we cover it for a while and cook it well on the low flame.
When we open again, after that we will do it from above with salt ginger and julienne as well as 1/2 tsp nutmeg powder and a little bit of mace
To increase the taste a little, you will add garam masala powder on top to make it a little healthier 10-12 cashew paste will also be added from above and to make the color full, Coriander leaves will be chopped.
Cover and cook for a while and serve it in a hot plate and feed it to the guest.
How did you like Tasty Chicken Korma, I hope you liked it, you must try it once in your home.