

Broiled Shrimp Recipe in Oven | Easy Broiled Shrimp Scampi Recipe

Very Easy Broiled Shrimp Recipe In Oven- Shrimp Scampi Recipe

Broiled Shrimp Recipe in Oven, Easy Broiled Shrimp Scampi Recipe
Yummy Broiled Shrimp in Oven
15 min      10 min    25 min

You must have come to know by looking at the image, which recipe I have brought for you today.
This is a shrimp recipe and today we bring you the Broiled Shrimp Recipe in Oven.
We are going to make Easy Broiled Shrimp Scampi recipe which is very tasty, And the Broiled Shrimp Recipe in Oven is ready in very less time.

In this way, you will find many broiled recipes in my site, you can read from here. If you do not like Broiled Shrimp Recipe, then you can see more all Broiled Shrimp Recipes by going to the link given below.

Well I will try my best if you like Easy Broiled Shrimp Scampi Recipe, This is a non-veg recipe, you will find many non-veg recipes here.
Broiled Shrimp Recipe in Oven is a favorite at home, You can make Broiled Shrimp Recipe in Oven at your home by using very few ingredients.

So let's not waste time, let us learn how to make the recipe, And by clicking on the link given below, see once more tasty recipe.

  Ingredients for Broiled Shrimp Recipe                                                                                                                  Serve(🍽)1-2       

  • Fresh Shrimp 500g
  • Olive oil 2 Tbsp
  • Kosher Salt 1/2 Tsp 
  • Garlic Powder 1/2 Tsp
  • Smoked Paprika 1/2 Tsp
  • Cayenne Pepper 1/2 Tsp


You must have come to know by looking at the above ingredients, how much less ingredients are getting ready for broiled shrimp.
Now that we have seen so much, now we also see how it is ready.
Now we will first take a bowl of freshly washed shrimp in it.
After that we will put in 2. Tsp olive oil, and also use 1/2 tsp kosher salt.


We will use 1/2 tsp of garlic powder to increase the taste a little more, Use 1/2 tsp smoked paprika to enhance the taste even more, Simultaneously, we will mix all of them well so that a little bit of the taste can be found under the shrimp.


Mix everything and store it for 20 minutes after that we will take an oven plate, Using silver paper, keep the marinated shrimp on it at a little distance And then after that put the plate in the oven and leave it to be broiled for 10 minutes.


After 10 minutes, we will take out the shrimp from the oven and serve on a plate and put cayenne pepper on top of it.
So that the taste becomes a little more.

We are ready to make Broiled Shrimp Recipe in oven, You can use it in your dinner.

I hope you like the Easy Broiled Shrimp Scampi Recipe, You must try it once at your home.

That's all for today, see you next recipes. 

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