How to make Nankhatai recipe without oven
Nankhatai Biscuit |
15 min 20 min 35 min
Today I am going to make a special biscuit recipe which you can make and eat at home Without oven, what we are going to make today is Nankhatai recipe without oven.
Nankhatai Biscuit Recipe is one of the very tasty and yummy biscuits, If till now you had not made this Nankhatai Biscuit Recipe without oven, then definitely try it once today.
You can make it at your home in very less time, and can be made in very few ingredients, Nankhatai Biscuit recipe is one of the very soft biscuits recipe.
Young children and old people can eat at your home, Nankhatai Biscuit recipe is going to be very special today, so after preparing it completely, go ahead and learn this recipe.
If you like some such special and tasty recipes, then you can see here below.
Ingredients for Nankhatai Biscuit
- Refined flour- 125 gram
- Semolina-2 tbsp
- Gram flour-2 tbsp
- Ghee-1/2 cup
- Sugar powder-3/4 cup
- Baking powder-1/2tsp
- Green cardamom-1/2 tsp
- Used Salt-1/2 kg
- Grated Pistachios-15 to 20
Preparation of Nankhatai Biscuit
Even if you have less time to make Nankhatai Biscuit, it will be prepared very quickly, first of all take all the ingredients in a bowl.
Take a big bowl, take 125 grams of refined flour in it, after that add 2 tbsp Semolina, 2 Tbsp Gram Flour will also be added, and with the help of a spoon, mix all of them well.
Now take a separate bowl in which we will take 1/2 cup ghee and add it to it. Mix 3/4 cup powdered sugar and ghee and powdered sugar until it becomes a cream that looks completely white.
Use 1 tsp baking powder to make little Nankhatai biscuits soft and To make the end nankhatai biscuits a little tasty, add 1/2 green cardamom powder.
Now we will add the refined flour and gram flour mixer in the last, in the bowl of ghee. Now we will prepare a little milk by mixing all of them with well If you feel that happiness is milk, then you can use a little milk to make perfect milk.
Now our Nankhatai Biscuit milk is ready, now let's move to the next process.
Now the time has come to make Nankhatai Biscuit, so take a pressure cooker and keep the gas flame on medium. Now take 1/2 cup of used salt in the cooker and gram it till then.
Now let's make biscuits ready, to make biscuits, we will make small pieces of milk. And with the help of hand, we will flatten it a little by making it in a round shape as you are seeing in the image above.
Similarly, we will prepare all the pieces we have taken and keep them in a plate, now we will keep a stand to keep the plate in the cooker. And put the Nankhatai biscuits on the plate and close the cooker, now we will cook for 15 minutes. And after that we will go out, in the same way, keep everyone in the cooker and bake them.
Now you will see that the back side of Nankhatai Biscuit has turned golden brown, then take it out. And after going out hot in the plate, you will survey, you will see that Nankhatai is ready in the form of biscuits.
You can make a lot of comfort at your home and you can also feed the guest at home, I hope you have liked this Nankhatai recipe without oven, you must try this Nankhatai Biscuit recipe once.