

Jeera Pani Cold Drink | Summer Drink Recipes

Summer Jeera Pani Cold Drink- Summer Recipe

Jeera Pani Cold Drink, Summer Drink Recipes
Summer Jeera Pani Cold drink

As you know how hot is it in May and June, if there is a lack of water in your body at this time, then there can be a big problem.
During summer we all should drink more and more water, that's why we have brought it for you jeera pani cold drink If you drink plain water then you do not get much energy.

That's why we have brought special summer drink recipes for you, which we know as jeera pani cold drink.
It is very easy to make jeera pani cold drink, if you come from somewhere outside, if you are feeling very tired, then you must drink jeera pani cold drink once.

During the summer, you must drink twice a day so that the water of your body is maintained and there is no shortage of water.
Jeera pani cold drink also has many benefits, you are going out somewhere and it is very hot outside so you must take summer drink recipes jeera pani cold drink with you.

If you want to read such healthy and best recipes, then you can see here on the site.
So let's spend drinking time and tell you how to prepare cumin pani cold drink.


      Ingredients for Jeera Pani Cold Drink


  • 1/2 Cup Cumin Seeds
  • 1/2 ltr water
  • Black salt as per your taste
  • Normal salt as per your taste
  • 4 to 6 ice cubes
  • 1 cup lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp Sugar
  • Water as per your requirement

Prepration of jeera cold drink


First of all, to make cumin pani cold drink, we will heat a pan, after it gets a little hot We will add 1/2 cup cumin seeds and fry it till it becomes little brown.

After it turns a little golden brown, we will add 1/2 liter water and cook it till it boils well so that the taste of cumin comes in the water.


Now we will grind by putting cumin water in the mixer grinder so that cumin mixes well with the water.

Now we will take it out of the mixer and put it in a bowl, after some time we will take a glass and put cumin water cold drink in it.


Now we will add more water according to our requirement in cumin pani cold drink And also add 4 to 6 ice cubes so that some cumin water becomes even more cold.

After that we will add black salt and white salt according to our taste.


If you want to make jeera pani cold drink even more tasty, then you can add 2 tbsp sugar to it so that your summer drink recipes become more fun now.

Cumin water has become ready by making a cold drink like this, have you not seen your summer drink recipes by making it in such a short time.

I hope you have liked this jeera pani cold drink very much, you must also try it once at your home.

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