Boiled Egg Fry recipe- Boiled Egg fry
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Boiled Egg Fry |
You know winter season has started so we enjoy eating some hot recipes, thinking this, today we have brought for you the Boiled Egg Fry recipe, which everyone likes to eat.
Boiled egg fry recipe is very popular in winter season, Boiled egg fry is very spicy, which also makes the mood fresh after eating.
Boiled Egg Fry Recipe is Ready with Less Ingredients. And at the same time it takes very less time to make Boiled Egg Fry.,
So without wasting time let me tell you how to make Boiled Egg Fry recipe.
If you want to see some more such egg recipes, then you can go by clicking on the link given below.
Ingredients for Boil Egg Fry
Serve(🍽) 2-3
- 4 pcs boiled eggs
- Oil for frying
- Salt as per taste
- 2 tbsp Chopped onion, chopped green chilli, chopped coriander leaves
Now we will start the recipe of making Boil Egg Fry Recipe, first of all we will heat a pan After that we will add oil according to our requirements for egg fry,
By the time the oil heats up, we will boil 4 pcs eggs And after peel it, you will cut it into two parts from the middle as you can see in the image above.
Now the oil is hot, we will continue to fry the half part of the egg, put all the parts together in the pan And make golden brown from both the sides of the egg well.
By the time it turns golden brown, chop the onion and green chillies and coriander leaves by 2 Tbsp.
Finally, the fried egg has become golden brown, now we will take it out in a plate,
And for garnishing, put 2 tbsp Chopped Onion and Green Chilli and Coriander Leaves on top.
If you like something else then you can do it at the time of garnishing.
You can serve hot Boiled Egg Fry by making finally the Boiled Egg Recipe,
I hope you liked the Hot Boiled Egg Fry recipe.
Once you prepare it at your home, you can also use green sauce with this recipe.
For today, I will bring this next recipe even more delicious for you.