

Crispy Onion Pakoda Recipe | Pyaz Pakora Recipe

Crispy Onion Pakoda Recipe- Pyaz Pakora 

Crispy Onion Pakoda Recipe, Pyaz Pakora Recipe
Onion Pakoda

You know if it is raining, then you will not have fun at your home, then you will not have fun, So today we have brought this onion pakoda recipe as if we all know the Crispy Onion Pakoda recipe is very tasty.

Crispy Onion Pakoda recipe, which we are using all other ingredients with onion and Gram Flour.
If you want to eat something spicy during the rainy season So you can easily make this Crispy Onion Pakoda recipe in a very short time with tea or with any such sauce.

So let's tell you without wasting time how to make Crispy Onion Pakoda recipe You will find many similar recipes on my site. You can go through the link given below and see.


Ingredients for crispy Onion Pakoda Recipe

  • 5 medium size Slices onion
  • 4 tbsp gram flour
  • 2 inch grated ginger
  • 8-10 curry leaves
  • 3-4 chopped green chilli 
  • Some chopped green coriander
  • 1 tsp carom seeds
  • 1/2 tsp red chilli powder
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1 tsp salt
  • Oil as per your requirement

Prepration of Crispy Onion Pakoda


First we will take a bowl and add 5 medium sized slices of onion to it, after that we will add 8-10 curry leaves Simultaneously add 3-4 chopped green chillies, to make it a little spicy, add green coriander leaves and 1/2 tsp red chilli powder.
After this, 2 inch grated ginger and with this 1 tsp carom seeds, 1/2 tsp turmeric powder, 1 tsp salt now we will add 4 tbsp of gram flour in the last.


If you want to add some water then you can do it according to your requirements.

Now we will mix everything well and keep it for 2 minutes.

Now we will heat oil in a pan, add as much oil as required for onion pakora recipe and heat it.


After the oil is heated, we will fry it in oil by making small pieces and keep frying till it becomes crispy If you want to fry all the onion pakoda in the same way.

Crispy Onion Pakoda recipe is ready, hope you liked it,
You can eat any sauce of onion pakoda recipe, red sauce or green sauce.


If guest comes to your house, then you can make it for breakfast or eat it in the rainy season.

I hope you also try it once in your home and love to feed everyone and you will win hearts with this lovely recipe.

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