Tasty Dal Makhani Recipe at home- Dal Makhani
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Tasty Dal Makhani |
If you have less time: and also want to eat something special, then you can easily make Tasty Dal Makhani Recipe at your home, Even if you think there are few ingredients at home, you can still make Dal Makhani recipe with very less ingredients.
If you want, you can also serve the guest at home. Dal Makhani recipe comes in a very tasty recipe.
When you prepare Tasty Dal Makhani Recipe, everyone in your house will like it.
Dal Makhani recipe is very simple and ready to be made in less time, If you do not know anything then today I am going to tell you how to make Tasty Dal Makhani recipe.
So without taking any time, let us tell you how the Dal Makhani recipe is made and with which ingredients we are going to do it, And if you like some such recipes, then you can go through the link given below and see.
Ingredients for Dal Makhani Recipe
Serve(🍽) 5-7
- 1 cup Urad Dal
- 45gms Rajma (Chitra)
- 4-5 cups Water
- ½ cup Butter
- 1 tbsp Ginger paste
- 1 tbsp Garlic paste
- ½ tbsp Garlic chopped
- 1½ tbsp Kashmiri chilli powder
- Salt to taste
- Fresh tomato puree - 350 gms/ 1 ½ cup
- 1 tbsp Oil
- ½ tbsp Garlic chopped
- Butter(optional) - 2 tbsp
- Dried methi leaves - a generous pinch
- ¾ cup Cream
We will first soak 1 cup urad dal and keep it for 3 hours, with this we will take 45 grams of rajma and keep it soaked for 3 hours After that after 3 hours we will boil the urad dal rajma in a pan.
After that, after boiling, we will take out the black water from above, now we will cook the dal on slow flame And take another pan next to it, heat it and heat 1/2 cup butter in it. Simultaneously, 1 Tbsp Garlic Paste and 1 Tbsp Ginger Paste will fry for a while.
Add 350 gms fresh tomato puree, mix well and add salt according to your requirements Cook for 3 minutes and with this add the boiled dal. Cook for another 5 minutes and keep stirring with a spoon so that the bottom does not get caught in the pan.
Now we will add 2 cups of water, heat another pan and heat 1 tsp oil together And add 1/2 tsp Chopped Garlic and make it golden brown and add it to your Dal Makhani.
Now we will add 2 tbsp butter from above so that the taste of dal makhani becomes even more, we will put some dried fenugreek on top.
Now we will turn off the gas flame and at the same time keep stirring 3/4 cup cream for a while so that the cream does not settle down.
Our Tasty Dal Makhani recipe is ready, we will now take out the Dal Makhani in a bowl and serve it hot.
I hope you have liked Tasty Dal Makhani recipe, you must also try it once at your home and tell how your Dal Makhani recipe is made.